Writer: AppleBio.    Date: Date2017-11-27 16:33:04    Hit: 4,376.    Comment: 0.

  • KODURI Plus+

    Reduces labor and does not harm pollinating insects

    Type of Crop : Apple
    Spray method : Foliage spray twice
    Application time : ① 1st spraying: when the disk flower fully blossoms (when disk flowers at brand ends blossom 70~90%)
    ② 2nd spraying: when all flowers fully blossom (when all flowers blossom 90~100%)
    Dilution ratio : 1:1,000 (Product : water)
    Spray volume : 250~300gal/ac
  • Feature

    KODURI minimizes the impact of tree vigor and climate.

    It steadily visibly improved the crops annually and it is a product certified New Excellent Technology as a fertilizing agent for thinning made using fermented natural extracts.

    Guarantee of manufacture

    - Type : Microelement fertilizer
    - Net contents : 500ml
    - Active ingredients : soluble Mn 0.1%, soluble Zn 0.05%

    Manufacturer’s registration number : Gyeongbuk Gyeongsan 27-Ga-10804 (경북 경산 27-가-10804)

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