Writer: AppleBio.    Date: Date2017-11-13 11:52:47    Hit: 5,065.    Comment: 0.


    Highly concentrated natural organic calcium agent

    Type of Crop : apple, pear, plum, persimmon, and other fruit trees and fruit vegetables
    Application time : the growth and development stage
    Spray method : 2~3 times : Dilution ratio : 1,000 times (450L of water : 1 bottle of product)
    Spray volume : 500ml / 1,650㎡
  • Feature

    - Highly concentrated liquid calcium processed using special engineering
    - Easy to move quickly, high absorption rate, easy storage after harvesting, and reduced fruit skin wax (lipid)
    - Reinforces the cellular tissue and thus makes fruits hard, and prevents bitter pit and gummosis.

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